First Rehearsal of Series 2 is Friday, February 14
We are currently recruiting strings and trumpet.
Please email oaklandcommunityorchestra@gmail.com if you are interested in joining OCO.

Join Us!
​​We rehearse
Friday mornings
9:30am until noon
at Leona Lodge,
4444 Mountain Blvd., Oakland.
There is now an activity fee for musicians to participate in the orchestra but no audition is required.
Please email our conductor about openings and for additional information
In the early 1960’s a handful of people, playing an odd assortment of instruments joined a music program offered by the City of Oakland Parks and Recreation Department. That group evolved into the Oakland Community Orchestra - a full symphony orchestra.
With continued sponsorship by the City of Oakland Parks and Recreation Department, the Oakland Community Orchestra performs free concerts for elementary school students in the Oakland Public Schools and seniors at the City of Oakland Senior Centers.
As one of the Bay Area's only volunteer, daytime orchestras, the Oakland Community Orchestra provides the opportunity for amateur players to fulfill their passion for music without having to drive at night. Our musicians, now grown to more than fifty in number, vary in age and experience, but our love of orchestral music is what brings us together.​